Monday, August 28, 2006

Just been watching a report...

..on Vietnam. Really very interesting, it outlined the economic reforms that were put in place. Given that I bought Capital on my 18th birthday and read it cover to cover, accompanied by jumping back and forth, what has come to be known as 'Communism' is really a misnomer. I think there is an axiom that people like to quote to appear clever, it goes 'Communists have read Marx, Capitalists have understood him'. Well then perhaps in the truest sense they can maybe write a paper on the economic system of the future, let's say in 4000 words, '21st Century economics: Fluidity in the movement of Capital. Discuss.'. Must have issues would be the synthesis of Marxism and capitalism, given that the Marxist system is often called dialectic materialism, it seems quite a good proposition.

The programme focused on what would occur in staggered parallel between economics and politics. This is very interesting, and I'm sure that Vietnam is being closely watched by its larger brother, China. I find the whole region fascinating, as a westerner fixated with the Levant, the Orient proper holds many secrets and a truly ancient culture. It is alluded to by Muhammad himself, when he says 'Seek ye knowledge, even when it is in China'. There is of course an old Islamic tradition in China, which was recounted to me by some muslim elders I travelled with from the sub-continent, it is said that the emperor of China welcomed the muslim migrants saying 'There is no conflict between Islam and Confuciounism', who quickly became successful partcipants in the business and economic affairs of China.

I just can't help thinking that maybe Muhammad saw something during his journey on the night of ascension. After all we do not know how long he was actually gone, nor what he saw, tho' in the linear time of the life of the prophet it was merely a night. How is it said 'When they see the true reality it will be as if their whole life was the blinking of an eye', so plenty of time in a night to see what may come to pass....

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