Friday, October 29, 2010

Strategic Political Plan 2010-2020

So, as Samhain 2010 approaches and no one can be sure how many artists will survive the opening of the veils I may as well blog; not that I think I am too weak in art to survive, but this is a big one.

I envisage that the new politics will need some tweaking. The current work on the public sector and long term ‘grand designs’ are politically expedient, even now when the bills are effectively paid, with an opportunity like this it would be insane to miss it.

So for a trillion plus sterling, we get PR, PROPER PR!!! Subsequently this may well see a fragmentation of the political system. The left will fragment (pinkos, reds, Fabians), being able to come together in coalition to govern. The right may also fragment into wets, and what I’ll call the bitter right (but to be honest their social insecurity means that they’ll never leave the wets, such associations are vital capital in golf club conversations). Obviously what is delineated as the far right and a developing green party (who’ll probably throw in with the left) will also be present. The Liberals will inhabit their natural position; the consensual centre.

Personally I can see the Whigs and Wets working together quite often over the next century.

As an aside the reason I’m winding these people up is because they deserve it, and them knowing makes it all the more enjoyable. As to anyone who advises that I shouldn’t mix business and pleasure, first this kind of business is a pleasure, and second, I don’t get paid for this!!!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

First they came…

1930's Germany...

"In Germany, they came first for the communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist; and then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; and then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; and then...they came for me...and by that time there was no one left to speak up."

2010 United Kingdom...

In the United Kingdom, they came first for the communists' jobs, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist; and then they came for the trade unionists' jobs, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist; and then they came for the Jews' jobs, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew; and then...they came for me...and offered me a job.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The wedding upon the isle.

A voice calls, an invite, a wedding. The knight standing on the threshold of the new middle ages dons his tunic, mantle, fatigues and boots and takes heel northward. Called forth he travels weaving a wyrd web through the land; multilinearity.

The isle echoes through time, bastion against the invader ‘Choose yourself an island’. So many different days spent here, the crashing waves as a child, the stay during recovery, the docking of the ship, and now a wedding. The trees rush past the carriage, the fresh sea breeze.

Four becomes six, then spins through the quarters. What is to become has been



Thursday, March 25, 2010


The following is the penultimate paragraph of my master’s dissertation, delineated amongst other things as new age. The individual responsible, if only one could displace him contextually (indeed if only!) would sit in a cave chewing on a bone asking the weird one why he was scrawling on a wall or engraving a pot in Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic, through the Neolithic and up to the Chalcolithic etcetera…

“The paper has further developed questions about the interrelationship of semiotics and modern paradigm cosmology, with associated ideas of recursion. The writer feels that separate research into the evolution of the knowledge of the human species, and how humankind has used visual representation to represent mental abstractions would be a monumental but academically rewarding endeavour. It has been the experience of the researcher that the progression of the knowledge of humankind is seen as evolutionary, and a commonsense stance has it that some of that knowledge remains extant and viable, while sections of it are irrational and thus extinct; the writer would propose that knowledge is recursive; it inherently contains that which preceded it. It was indeed this idea of recursion that lead to his cosmological ponderings on the Songhay perception of reality, and how the researcher attempted to comprehend them within his own framework of understanding. Should such an undertaking be seriously approached it would require the researcher to undertake a course in modern paradigm cosmology, or attempt to elicit the cooperation of a sympathetic physicist.”
