Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Research position!

So, I may not have got any leads for administrative work, but I have been called in for interview for a research position with a leading psychiatric medical research institute. I have to prep a short presentation on my research interests, but hopefully it will go well. It could be a really good break allowing me to practice and improve my epidemiological and statistical skill set. As to more anthropological research interests, I have my two dissertations which I’d like to work on, but when will I get the opportunity to carry out the fieldwork?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What will the next weeks bring?

So, I’ve walked out of my job and been unemployed for two weeks. I’ve been filling in applications and sending off CVs, not, it must be said, with too much success. There are a couple of research positions which want graduates. One in particular is asking for a graduate in health, anthropology, and/or epidemiology; my BSc hits all those. I’d hope with an MSc to throw into the mix I might hit…let’s hope…

Friday, August 14, 2009


I’ve been told while looking for work that I set the bar too low, that I undervalue my worth; classic. Some recruiter told me that with a BSc and MSc he wouldn’t put me forward for administrative jobs as I’d intimidate the client! The truth is that most people overvalue themselves, and flagrantly exhibit cognitive biases and blinds. I mean shit, where the fuck do you think the overvalued markets came from? 'Credit' crunch? You work it out!!